
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, the truth is that I have desired to be part of this missionary group since 2020, when I found out about it.

It all started when I went on a missionary trip to Peru in the summer of 2019, and even though it was a few days, I fell in love with the missionary field. I fell in love talking, praying, preaching, and getting to know people. When I would go to the schools, talk to kids, and pray for them, it was one of the best experiences ever. When the kids and people would accept Christ it was the most satisfying feeling because everything is for the GLORY OF GOD! I had never felt so happy, and it felt like home. Being surrounded by others who also wanted and were willing to serve God was one of the most extraordinary communities I have ever been a part of.

So once I got back to the States, I started looking for organizations for a long-term missionary trip. I remember I found some organizations that sounded interesting. But then a person who did the World Race told me about it, and I fell in love with it. This was in 2020, and I wanted to apply so badly in 2020, 2021, and January 2022, but I felt like God was telling me patience, Kevin, patience, first you need to finish seminary.

By God’s glory, I will finish school in May 2022, and this trip will launch in August 2022. So I thought it was perfect since the World Race has been in my heart. I have been praying for this for years. So when I got accepted, I knew it was God’s will, and he keeps showing me this is something he is calling me to. I know God has a ministry and calling for me, but he has so much to teach me, and I know this trip will be a season of teaching, learning, and serving.

I am so excited because all I want in life is to serve the Lord and help and love people.



Kevin Asencio

5 responses to “Why the World Race?”

  1. We are so proud and happy for you Kevin!! What a blessing to have the opportunity to serve our Lord through this amazing opportunity. We support you in prayer and we will in all ways possible.

    We love you and May God continue to bless you and prosper you so that you may fulfill this dream,

    Familia Palacios

  2. I’m so very proud and happy to see you achieve your childhood dream of becoming a pastor and taking the Good News of salvation to others. May God bless you and make it possible for you and others on this missionary journey to have a healthy, safe and successful journey.
    Patricia & Adolphus Tate Jr.

  3. Hi Kevin! My name is Samantha, and I am a Racer in month 11 right now! Felt the Lord calling me to pray for your squad, and just wanted to share in your excitement for what is to come! Learning to be patient is so impactful! I pray God will continue to encourage you through this next season by resting and relying upon Him!

  4. Samantha, thank you so much for your words and prayers.
    I am so glad God is using you for his glory & honor.
    You are a blessing to many people.